FAMI-QS ISO 22000:2018 | GMP Certified Company | HACCP


Promax SMS Microbial supportive system for aquaculture ponds

The intensive aquaculture may leads to deterioration of water quality and outbreak of diseases. Probiotics plays a crucial role to maintain healthy aquatic environment. Promax SMS is a blend of probiotics fortified with enzymes, microbial growth factors and prebiotics.


B.coagulans, B.subtilis, Lactobacillus spp, enzymes in a buffered base with microbial growth factors and prebiotics.



  • Enhances shrimp health and survivability
  • Improves the animal digestibility and growth
  • Enriches pond environment and shrimp comfort

Mixing Rate

5 g/kg feed/acre or As directed by the Aquaculture Specialist


500 g

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No. 22, G-4 & 5, 3rd Main, Hebbal,
Bengaluru – 560024 Karnataka India

(+91) 9741779996


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